Make Money

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Unhappy People

We are really living in a world that is so full of unhappy people! Even the young folks are unhappy, but most of them don't have a clue why they are unhappy. To me unhappiness for some young people is a learned behavior. They frown not knowing the meaning of the word frown. They get mad not even knowing what mad is. When I was young and called myself getting mad and frowning, my mom use to tell me that I don't know what mad is. And to frown that was far from my vocabulary. She then say but wait til I get grown and on my own. Life has a way of knocking you down, causing reasons for being mad, but you still have to keep on keeping on. Bills will not only make you frown when there is not enough money at the end of the month, bills can make you cry. Then not only will you have a reason to frown, but you will also know the true meaning behind your frown. I know I was not the only kid then nor are my kids the only ones now, who show such expressions. We are living in a day and time where every little or big thing we do for our kids, they are basically not satisfied until or unless they get their way. You do your best and all that you can for your kids, but to them it still never is enough. I remember telling someone who is an adult that was always complaining about this and that, even if it was something of my belongings; there still was a complaint. I said that they are not paying my bills, nor doing nothing for me. "I now find myself telling my kids that they are not paying bills, nor buying food, etc..., so they have no room to be mad, frown, nor complain." In reality we at times have to give it to our kids straight, instead of putting up with their not being satisfied nonsense, and complaints.

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